The sky’s the limit at virtual camp

Brianna has participated in nearly every virtual program we have offered to date, and it has been so much fun to connect with her, share stories, wear costumes, do performances, and be silly!
It started with virtual March Break day camp—with her parents sending us photos every day of her completing the various challenges and activities that are sent to Campers.
She had dance parties, built a fort, aced scavenger hunts, and even sent one back to the counsellors to complete! She even created a rock museum, put on her own play, and tried new science experiments!
She’s attended campfires and done musical performances, and at our magic-themed program, she came dressed in her best witch costume (including a flying broomstick!) and showed us some magic tricks. She loved our Yoga for Kids program, and Facetimed her friends and family afterwards to show them all of the new poses she learned.
Brianna’s mom always lets us know just how much it meant to her to have camp right now. “She absolutely loves all the activities. She is the happiest when she is with you all! Thank you for all that you do!”
Brianna reminds us that camp is more than a place—it’s a feeling. The feeling you get from waving to your camp friends over a virtual campfire, laughing at their jokes, clapping for their performances, and sharing what you’ve done with friends and family.
*Camper and family names and images have been changed to protect privacy
Share your story
If you would like to share your camp story with us, please contact:
Michelle Guignard
Development Coordinator, Annual Giving