Legacy Giving
Help Us Deliver Healing Through Happiness
You can provide the healing power of camp for many generations to come. When you include Campfire Circle in your Will, you continue the circle of care for kids and families affected by childhood cancer or serious illness, whether it’s through camp-inspired experiences in leading paediatric hospitals across Ontario, at community events across the province, or at our overnight camps. Through legacy giving, you allow this work to continue in perpetuity. Your bequest or other planned gift, will support campers and their families forever.
Campfire Circle
464 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON MST 2S6
Charitable Registration No. 13111 6022 RR0001
Ensuring Marcus' Legacy Lives On
Our Legacy Circle promise
- Your Will is a private, personal document. We respect your privacy.
- We understand and support the notion that your loved ones come first.
- We would like to know if you have made a gift to us in your Will so we can make plans for our camp, and recognize your generosity. Whether you choose to tell us or not is entirely your decision.
- We encourage you to contact us to learn more about our areas of work that interest you most, and how you can ensure your gift is directed to that area in the most effective way possible.
- We will provide you and your loved ones with special opportunities to learn about our work in ways that are meaningful to you.
- We are proud of our effectiveness and efficiency. We will apply both to your gift.
- We deeply appreciate the confidence and trust you have in us.
- We will respond immediately to your questions or concerns. You can contact Angie Barbieri or anyone on our team, at any time.
CLICK HERE to download your Free Will Guide
Know your donation options
With the help of a financial advisor and your family, you can determine what you would like to donate to Campfire Circle. The next step is to assess your options, finalize your decision, and have your lawyer make the appropriate arrangements.
There are several different ways to leave a future gift, and it’s important to understand your options to choose what works for you. We have highlighted some of the ways here, but it’s still important to consult with a professional advisor to help you decide.
Types of legacy giving
Anything from money to property to works of art can be given to us on your behalf.
A special bequest allows you to designate a specific dollar amount or piece of property in your Will to Campfire Circle (e.g. real estate, stocks/bonds, works of art). Residual bequests allow to you allocate all (or a portion) of your estate that remains after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests are paid.
A contingent bequest allows you to make a provision in your Will that your gift only takes effect if your primary intention cannot be met (i.e. if your primary beneficiary and alternate beneficiaries do not live longer than you).
If you have already made a Will you can still help Campfire Circle by adding a codicil to your existing Will. We advise consulting with your solicitor or legal advisor before completing a codicil. Please do not write on or amend your current Will, or it could become invalid.
This is a codicil to the Last Will and Testament of me, _________________________, of the City of____________________, in the Province of__________________, which will is dated the _____ of ________, 202___.
I add the following provision to this my Will, after Paragraph (or clause) ____:
Prior to the disposition of the residue of my estate, I direct my Executor/Trustee to transfer to Campfire Circle, at Toronto ___% of my estate for the general purposes of the said organization and I declare that the receipt of the person who professes to be the proper person to receive this gift shall be a sufficient discharge thereof.
In all other respects I confirm my Will.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have to this Codicil to my Will, written upon this page my name this _____ day of _________, 201__.
Does not require witnesses if entirely in Testator’s own hand.
Another legacy option is to name us as the beneficiary of an insurance policy (including a policy from your workplace). When the funds are released, Campfire Circle will receive the donation on your behalf.
You can also consider signing over ownership of a policy with premiums that are fully paid. If you choose this option, you will receive a tax receipt for the cash surrender value.
By naming Campfire Circle as the beneficiary of your RRSP/RRIF, you will contribute the remaining balance of these investments that exist upon your passing. This method can also offset the tax that would otherwise be payable on these assets by your estate. Talk to your professional advisor to determine if this is a good option for you.
This legacy option may suit people who want to make to substantial donation with an irrevocable trust and earn immediate tax savings, while receiving income from the asset’s interest for life. Once transferred, you will receive a tax receipt for the present market value of the gift. Upon your passing, the asset is transferred to Campfire Circle.
Reasons to give
Unforgettable experiences during tough times
A serious childhood diagnosis affects every member of the family. By leaving a gift in your Will, you help bring memorable, life-changing experiences to kids and families during their most challenging moments. Our camp-inspired programs have been shown to help kids feel less isolated, more connected and become more resilient. By naming us in your Will, you are setting aside funds that continue to improve the overall well-being of children with serious illness, all at no cost to families.

Contact us for more info on legacy giving and other donation options. We'll help you get started with all the right tools and information.
Laura Gibson
Director, Philanthropy (Leadership Giving)
Confirming your legacy gift
Once your arrangements have been made, complete our legacy gift confirmation form to notify us of your future gift. It is important for us to know about your intended gift so that we can keep you informed of future plans. This will also help us create proactive plans so that we can continue to fulfill our mission.
Legacy gift confirmation formA note to our donors
The Legacy Giving information on this website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice and assistance from your lawyer, financial advisor, or tax consultant.
We recommend that you discuss your plans with your lawyer and/or financial advisor before proceeding with a legacy gift.