Kristine’s story
Camp has been in my heart for my whole life.
When I close my eyes, I can smell the forest and the campfire. I hear the fire crackle. You know the sound of wind rustling in the trees? When I think of camp, I hear that too. Suddenly, *SPLASH*! Someone just did an awesome cannonball off the dock. When I close my eyes, I can feel the cold water on my toes, and I can feel the warm glow of the fire and I can taste the S’Mores…
And it makes me realize that camp is more than what I smell, hear or taste. Camp is a feeling. A feeling I will cherish forever. I was one of the first Campers CAMPFIRE CIRCLE Rainbow Lake. I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 8. My parents heard about camp from our doctor, and I attended for nearly 10 years with both my sisters.
Camp made me realize that there were other kids and families going through what we were going through. I remember seeing other kids losing their hair, wearing a wig and not feeling alone. Being at school is tough when you stand out as different, and even when kids at school try to help you “fit in”, you know you don’t. At camp, I felt this overwhelming and joyful sense of relief, where I fit in just perfectly just by being myself.
I’ll always support camp as donor and a volunteer, and my husband and I have also made the decision to leave camp in our Will. I remember my parents telling me years ago that they had put camp in their Will, and I always knew in my heart that I would do the same. When our daughter was born, and it was time for us to write our Will, it felt really good to know that we had made a plan for her and our family, but also that we will help camp forever.
If you’re considering a gift in your Will, I want you to know that it doesn’t matter how much you choose to give. Some people think that leaving money in a Will is only for rich people, that you have to leave a lot to make an impact. And that’s just not true. Every gift helps. Every bit counts.
Share your story
If you would like to share your camp story with us, please contact:
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Senior Development Officer